False ACP Beliefs
ACP is only for old or sick people. FALSE - Every competent adult can benefit from having an advance directive (AD).
Advance directives (ADs) are only for people who do not want life-sustaining medical treatment. FALSE - ADs can list what treatment you do or do not want.
If I name a person to make decisions for me, I give up my right to make my own decision. FALSE - ADs give permission for your surrogate to make decisions for you only if you have been declared incompetent to make them for yourself.
ADs must be completed by a lawyer and notarized. FALSE - In Georgia, you only need two witnesses to sign.
ADs are legally binding so the health care team must follow them. FALSE - ADs are recommendations and can be refused if medically inappropriate. However, medical provides generally respect your wishes.
If I am living at home and my AD states that I do not want CPR, I will not be resuscitated by EMS responders. FALSE - This requires an out of hospital Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order.
Once I complete an AD, I cannot change it. FALSE - ADs can easily be changed by rescinding the old one and writing a new one.