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Introduction to this website

This website was created for a research project on Advance Care Planning (ACP) for young adults. Creating advance directives, or living wills, is only one part of advance care planning. This website will introduce you to the process of ACP, discuss the steps involved, and provide you with the opportunity to complete your own advance directive (living will) if you decide this is right for you. You will learn the importance and value of ACP even at the young age of 18 years old.


Your voice matters, and your assistance in this research is appreciated.

Working at Outdoor Cafe

If the topics discussed here cause you any distress, remember that you have access to counseling services through campus at the Counseling Center

First Step:

Research studies require that all participants understand what is involved and agree to participate voluntarily. Click below to find out what this means for you.

Second: Complete the Surveys

Once you have read the Consent Letter, please go HERE to complete the surveys. The first survey is a short 10-item demographics questionnaire. This survey is broken up on 2 pages to keep identifying information protected. The second survey is a short 14-item experience questionnaire, and the next survey is a 55-item survey. Completion of all 3 surveys should take you approximately 15-20 minutes. When you have finished, you will be directed back to this website to learn more about ACP. Review the website at your leisure over the next 6 weeks, and then take the final survey.

College Students on Break

Last Step
Complete the final survey. You will be notified via email during the last week.

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